ICRA 2022 Open Thread / ROS Tech Huddle

ICRA 2022 Open Thread / ROS Tech Huddle

Hi Everyone,

As I am sure you are aware, the International Conference on Robotics and Automation is next week! I thought it would be a great idea to create an open thread where people could discuss ICRA and highlight events, talks, and posters they think would be relevant to the ROS community. Feel free to use this thread to post:

  • If you are going to ICRA and how to get a hold of you.
  • Papers / posters you are presenting
  • Events you plan to attend
  • Coordinate birds of a feather sessions
  • Post cool demos or papers you come across. Feel free to post photos.
  • Plan after hours festivities – I’ll do my best to point out where I plan to be after conference hours.

For example, I am planning to attend ICRA along with my lovely co-worker @mabelzhang. For most of the event you’ll be able to find me at the Clearpath Robotics booth with The TurtleBot 4. You should drop by and say “hello.” I will have a stack of ROS, Gazebo, and TB4 stickers to hand out. :smile:

As another example, I was chatting with a few of our colleagues at Ken Goldberg’s lab at UC Berkeley and they mentioned all of the great papers they are presenting at ICRA that use ROS. I am going to try and check out a few of these talks:

ROS at ICRA Meetup

ROS Tech HUDDLE ICRA 2022 (4)

ICRA has also been so kind as to provide the ROS community with a “Tech Huddle” space on Thursday 5/26 between 16:50-18:00. The tech huddle space is on the exhibit floor in booth #635. I’ll be there with TurtleBot 4s and a whole stack of ROS stickers to hand out. I would love to see all of you there.

After ICRA 2022

I’ll be very busy after ICRA as I am planning to also attend Automate and the ROS-I yearly meeting in Detroit. I would love it if someone would be willing to write an ICRA de-brief for ROS Discourse. I think it would be a great resource for all of our colleagues who were not able to attend. If this is something you would be interest in writing please let me know.


:rocket: PEW PEW :rocket:
Pollen robotics is coming to ICRA
See you on booth 116 if you want to try Reachy VR teleoperation

GIF Hi Reachy_1


Great! Will there be a pre recorded video for those who can’t make the event to watch?

PAL Robotics team is attending the annual ICRA Conference! Let catch up at our Booth, 306, and get to meet our TIAGo robot in person, as well as hear our experts talk about our new dynamic bipedal robot Kangaroo at the “New frontiers of parallel robotics (second edition)” workshop. See you there! :wave:


Unfortunately no video. It is just going to be people hanging out and chatting. I am not sure if ICRA records talks are not.

Thank you ma for your feedback .I really appreciate.

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