Ignition Dome Released! T-Shirts for Sale

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The simulation team at Open Robotics is happy to announce another major release of Ignition, code named Dome! This is the fourth major release of Ignition, following Citadel, Blueprint and Acropolis.

Dome is a short-term release supported until December 2021.

Here are a few highlights since Citadel’s release 9 months ago:

  • GUI : Lots of new GUI features and widgets
    • Customizable layout : Customize the graphical interface to your own needs and preferences, choose the colors you want, the widgets you need.
    • Plotting : Plot Ignition Transport messages and Ignition Gazebo components, and export them to CSV files.
    • Lidar visualization : Visualize Lidar sensor data on the graphical interface and customize it to your needs.
    • Resource spawner : Browse and spawn models from Ignition Fuel or local models directly from Ignition Gazebo’s UI.
    • Log playback UI : When playing back log files, users now see a scrubber that can be dragged to jump in time.
    • Insert shapes : Boxes, cylinders and spheres can be inserted into simulation from the UI.
    • Align tool : Align models to each other within simulation.
    • Topic viewer : Lists all Ignition Transport topics being published, and their fields.
    • Key publisher : Publishes key presses to a topic. Combined with the triggered publisher plugin, it becomes very easy to trigger behaviours using the keyboard.
  • Rendering & Sensors : New visual effects and sensor features
    • Emissive texture maps : Models can glow without external light sources. Try out the Tube light model in the dark.
    • Noise for RGBD camera : Gaussian noise can be applied to each component of the point cloud data: X, Y, Z, R, G, B.
    • Particle effects : Include particle emitters in the 3D scene to generate effects like smoke and fire.
    • Record videos from camera sensors : Easily record what your robot is seeing with this the camera video recorder plugin.
  • Physics : New physics engine, new physical phenomena
    • Trivial Physics Engine : TPE is a kinematics physics engine targeted at fast simulation of higher-order fleet behaviours.
    • Buoyancy : Make models float in water or air with the buoyancy plugin. Try running: ign gazebo buoyancy.sdf.
    • Joint position controller : Position-based PID controller for joints.
  • Tutorial series : Lots of new high-level tutorials, with accompanying videos!
  • Save worlds : Now that you can insert all sorts of models into the world, align and position them with precision, you can also save the world to an SDF file! Upload it to Ignition Fuel so anyone can load them using their URL: ign gazebo <world URL> .
  • Actor plugins : Control animated human characters from your plugins. Try out ign gazebo follow_actor.sdf to see an example plugin in action.

The currently supported platforms are:

  • Ubuntu Bionic (18.04) and Focal (20.04)
  • MacOS Mojave and Catalina (headless mode only)
  • Windows (partial support for some libraries)

The next release, Ignition Edifice , is scheduled to be released on March 2021. Keep an eye on the roadmap for what’s coming up, and let us know what features you’re interested in!

Be sure to get your Dome shirt!


Just curious, you guys come up with cool posters for the distributions and events! Do you people have a dedicated team for that? :smiley:


We have a super talented contract artist, Josh Ellingson, who does all the work.