Today it was let out that Intel is closing up shop in supporting robotics sensing with the Realsense camera.
- Say goodbye to Intel’s RealSense tech by remembering its incredible demos - The Verge
- Intel Says It’s Shuttering RealSense Camera Business
- Intel is giving up on its AI-powered RealSense cameras | Engadget
While over the years, I’ve given alot of flack to the Realsense unit for not really supporting their drivers or SDK as much as I’d like. But it was still a great piece of hardware if you were willing to put in a bit of professional leg work and really the basis of so many ROS robotics companies. The pricepoint was awesome and for applications in direct sunlight (outside, in buildings with large windows) or when you needed to work with, lets say, 5 of them in a single computer, it was really the only decent option that I found to work well. While I’m a huge personal fan of the Orbecc depth cameras, they themselves suffer from some issues that made it less product-ready for the types of robotics products I was working on.
So I wanted to start this thread, as I’m sure this will be coming up alot in the next few weeks / months about potential alternatives to the Realsense cameras once they’re really just done and gone. If you’ve had experience or know of some new product-ready RGB-D cameras out there, this would be a great place to comment and let us know about your experiences.
My personal list of things to think about
- Orbecc
- pmd/IFM (albeit, no color)
- Mynt
- ZED (if you have a GPU and GPU power to spare)