Interop SIG February 6, 2025: Customize and configure the rmf-web dashboard with MicroApps

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This month Aaron Chong will present on how to leverage the new MicroApp architecture of rmf-web to make custom dashboards for fleet management.

MicroApps are React components used to customize the rmf-web dashboard. This talk will go through what MicroApps are, how they can be built, and how to integrate them with an existing rmf-web dashboard. We will also go through some of the MicroApps that already come with the rmf-dashboard-framework, and how they interact with an Open-RMF deployment.


Thanks for listening to the talk folks!

There was a question about how the rmf-dashboard-framework can currently be integrated into a web application (while it has not been published to npm). I forgot that we already have a guide for that, please check out rmf-web/packages/rmf-dashboard-framework/docs/ at main · open-rmf/rmf-web · GitHub.