Is there a reason ROS Answers is down?

Hey y’all, as per the title: is there a reason ROS Answers is down?

I stumbled across a Reddit post

And found the site was down here and figured it just went out over Thanksgiving break for the US team and assumed it wasn’t out permanently since the questions weren’t moved over the robotics.stackexchange. Is there an origin on the problem?

Thanks, CursedRock

ROS Answers is not down, as such, but it is very unstable. The software that runs it requires a very old version of Ubuntu, and the system as a whole is quite fragile. This is a big part of why we moved to using Robotics Stack Exchange - we don’t have the resources to maintain our own site, especially during major holiday periods.

The content of the ROS Answers site is being archived to a static website which will be much easier for us to host permanently. This will provide a more robust archive for historical questions.