JetBrains published guidelines on how to make ROS and CLion work together

From my experience I can strongly recommend CLion ( as a developer dream IDE for C/C++/Python. It’s very convenient and boosts your productivity a lot.


It’d be nice to see how JetBrains would recommend approaching ROS2 projects using meta workspace tools with isolated cmake builds. I like using CLion, but having +10 windows of CLion floating around with different degrees of code models when working simultaneously up and down the rmw/rcl stack is just not as fun.

Vote for this ticket if you feel the same:
Multiple CMake projects in one project | Issue CPP-1537

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I agree that having no build isolation sucks. If you have a non-catkin (CMake) project in your workspace, Catkin will refuse to build without isolation. The approach I’ve taken with Cartographer was to create a superbuild project I can open in CLion: