Hi everyone!
We open-sourced today the autonomy stack for quadrotors we use in the Vijay Kumar Lab at the University of Pennsylvania. Check out the code at GitHub - KumarRobotics/kr_autonomous_flight: Autonomous flight system for aerial robots.
We use this stack in our quadrotors for fully autonomous flight in GPS-denied conditions. The stack is battle-tested: the initial revisions were developed for the FLA program, and we recently used it for long under-canopy flights in forest-like environments: Large-scale Autonomous Flight with Real-time Semantic SLAM under Dense Forest Canopy - YouTube.
Our code is composed of the following modules:
Estimation: we run Stereo-MSCKF (GitHub - KumarRobotics/msckf_vio: Robust Stereo Visual Inertial Odometry for Fast Autonomous Flight) using the Open Vision Computer 3 (GitHub - osrf/ovc: the Open Vision Computer), an Open Robotics project. This is a killer combination! The VIO is stable in very challenging conditions (when features are not static, or we have fast changes in exposure). We use multicam_calibration (GitHub - KumarRobotics/multicam_calibration) and Kalibr (GitHub - ethz-asl/kalibr: The Kalibr visual-inertial calibration toolbox) for camera calibration.
Mapping and Planning: we implemented both a global mapper and a local mapper. We use a 3D Lidar for this. We plan the trajectory in the local map using motion primitives (GitHub - KumarRobotics/mpl_ros: A ROS wrapper for trajectory planning based on motion primitives) and the global trajectory using JPS (GitHub - KumarRobotics/jps3d: A C++ implementation of Jump Point Search on both 2D and 3D maps). This combination allows for smooth and aggressive flights as all our local paths are dynamically feasible for our quad.
Controller: we rely on a geometric controller presented in kr_mav_control for the position control loop to calculate the desired orientation and thrust for the robot. We also released this piece of software recently GitHub - KumarRobotics/kr_mav_control: Code for quadrotor control! A Pixhawk 4 running PX4 is used for the attitude control loop to calculate the low-level commands.
Simulation: our code can run in Gazebo (disabling the perception modules). We went to a great extent to make the code simple to run!
Note on hardware: we run the whole stack onboard our Falcon 4 platform. The Falcon 4 features the following sensor stack: NUC 10 with i7-10710U processor, OVC 3 with VN100-T IMU, Ouster OS1-64 Lidar, Pixhawk 4, ZED-F9P (used for ground truth when we have GPS). The autonomy stack can be adapted to use different sensors. It has a 30-min flight time with sensors and the onboard computer running.
Any comments, questions, and feedback are greatly appreciated! And yes, we are planning to move to ROS2