Hi everyone,
As you may know we are now a month out of the release of ROS Lunar
We are now very close to have desktop-full released!
This message is a reminder to maintainers that if you are willing to release API/ABI breaking changes, you should do it in the next few days so that the beta-testing phase relies on stable versions of the packages.
If you maintain any of the following repositories, please make a release in the next few days or we will release the current kinetic version into lunar:
- gazebo_ros_pkgs @jrivero (https://github.com/ros-simulation/gazebo_ros_pkgs/issues/565)
- stage_ros @rvt (https://github.com/ros-simulation/stage_ros/issues/44)
- urdf_tutorial @DLu
- rqt_common_plugins / rqt_robot_plugins @dirk-thomas (https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/issues/14652)
Finally if you maintain any package not part of desktop-full, please consider make a release in the next few days so that your packages are tested before the official release date (May 23rd)
To verify that you package is releasable please refer to the dedicated status_page
Happy releasing!