Major Updates of Udemy ROS for Beginners: Basics, Motion and OpenCV


I would like to announce that my Udemy course entitled

ROS for Beginners: Basics, Motion and OpenCV

have been subject to several major updates since its release when initially the content was only covering three hours of ROS tutorials, and now 10 hours of ROS tutorials.
The course covers many aspects including, Installation, ROS Ecosystem, ROS Topics, ROS Services, Motion in ROS with application to Turtlebot, Computer Vision with OpenCV including ball tracking lectures and project, laser scanner, rosserial Arduino, network configuration, launch files and much more.

The course contains many programming assignments and practical projects to apply the knowledge learned in lectures for every topic.
It is a Best Seller in the Robotics category.

To Enroll to the course, please use the following link

I am currently working on preparing Part II of this course which will be released on Jan 2019.


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