I am pleased to inform you that I have upgraded several sections in my course
ROS for Beginners: Basics, Motion, and OpenCV (https://www.riotu-lab.org/udemy.php)
I have developed brand new videos with much higher quality and better illustrations than the previous version. Besides, all new videos used the ROS Noetic version, which is the latest version released for ROS.
Here is a summary of the updates
- A new section, called ROS Computation Graph, focuses on the illustrations of the basic concepts of ROS
- the section on ROS Topic is completed updated with new videos and better illustration
- The same is for the section ROS Services
- I have elaborated more on ROS messages and make it in a separate section.
My next update within the next two weeks will consider changing the whole ROS Motion section by making brand new videos with better illustration and compatible with ROS Noetic.
Also, I will add more examples on the OpenCV section about Lane Detection in Self Driving Cars and basic concepts of using Deep Learning for Robotics.
The code used in the course is available on GitHub
ROS Noetic: https://github.com/aniskoubaa/ros_essentials_cpp/tree/ros-noetic
Earlier Version of ROS: https://github.com/aniskoubaa/ros_essentials_cpp/
This was a summary of the changes made so far.