Andrej Orsula, Andy Zelenak, Chris Thrasher, Henning Kayser, Marq Rasmussen, Michael Ferguson, Nathan Brooks, Paul Gesel, Peter David Fagan, Peter Mitrano, Robert Haschke, Sebastian Castro, Sebastian Jahr
You can use both Gazebo and Isaac if all you need is high-quality rendering but want to keep using your current robot setup in Gazebo
Disadvantages: Simulation and ROS 2 ecosystem are not synchronized
Henning: Is it suitable for simulating manipulation tasks in a robust way?
Marq: Gazebo’s engines Dart and ODE aren’t great for manipulation tasks, Isaac’s offers multiple engines that could be better but unsure how good it is
Sebastian C: Does sim publish it’s own time values
More project ideas and mentors would be appreciated: If you’re interested reach out to Henning Kayser, Mark Moll, or the person listed as project mentor
World MoveIt Day
When do we want to do it?
June: Collides with ICRA
Week before? It collides with Automate but that might be ok
The best options are the second and last week of May
What should World MoveIt Day be?
Hackathon: A day is too short, maybe a week with WMD as a show-and-tell event?
Discarded: too much to prepare and impractical for many labs and companies. We are seeking to introduce and recruit new contributors instead. We should focus on teaching and in-person events if time is too short
Michael: Prepares some notes to prepare WMD in-person events
Henning: Will set and announce the final date
If you’re interested in organizing a local in-person event: Reach out to Henning
Henning: Yes, we can do that, set up with docker image to provide compiled bindings and doxygen. If we do that, we should also consolidate the tutorials and deploy them with one sphinx multi version setup. We’ll get Python bindings for MoveIt 2 completed first, applying it to MoveIt 1 should be a copy-paste effort
MTC bindings? Robert: still waiting for MoveIt 2 bindings to get merged and will then continue to fix up and complete MTC bindings
Peter F: Is CI broken for MoveIt 2?
Henning: Issue of some new ROS 2 message interface, service_msgs.