Maritime Community Group Meeting Aug 2024: GSoC DAVE migration to ROS 2 / new Gazebo

This summer, 3 students (Rakesh Vivekanandan, Helena Moyen, Gaurav Kumar) funded by Google Summer of Code (GSoC) with Open Robotics, and community volunteer Abhimanyu Bhowmik, embarked on the endeavor of migrating DAVE (DAVE Aquatic Virtual Environment) to ROS 2 and new Gazebo. More about the GSoC students are on the Open Robotics blog post.

They are co-mentored by Woensug Choi (main mentor) from the Korea Maritime & Ocean University (KMOU), and Mabel Zhang formerly at Open Robotics, both are co-authors of the DAVE paper published at IEEE AUV 2022.

The migration work is active in this fork of DAVE. The original GSoC project description can be found under the “Enhancing physics-based sonar simulation for underwater robotics” project on the Open Robotics GSoC Wiki

At this month’s Maritime Community Working Group meeting, Rakesh will tell us about the work that the 3 students have been undertaking this summer. (Helena and Gaurav will be traveling to Korea to present in person at KMOU at the end of this month.)

Come hear about what they learned in the migration process to ROS 2 and new Gazebo, and any obstacles they encountered in using the marine plugins of Gazebo!

When: 2024-08-20T15:00:00Z→2024-08-20T16:00:00Z
Where: Virtual at Launch Meeting - Zoom
Calendar event: Google Calendar
Agenda: ROS Maritime Community Group meeting agenda - Google Docs

RexROV in ROS 2 and new Gazebo
(Image courtesy of Rakesh Vivekanandan)

See you there!

Quick links to resources for the Community Group:
ROS Discourse Maritime category
Google Group (only used to send meeting calendar invites)
Public Google Calendar
GitHub kanban board
GitHub community
Matrix chat


@bsb808 In case you have nothing better to do :slight_smile:

Recording can be found here.

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