Micro-ros C++ application

Welcome @evi001 to the community,

You have two avenues forward in here:

  1. If your objective is to run stuff in the ZCU102, why don’t you simply run your micro-ROS Agent and ROS 2 logic natively in the ZU+ APUs (or just run everything natively in ROS 2)? This can be easily done if your ZCU102 FS is Ubuntu/Debian-based, just install ROS 2 from deb files. This is well documented. If instead you’ve got a PetaLinux-based fs, use meta-ros. Add the layers into your PetaLinux project and build them altogether to get a new FS with ROS 2 support. You can ask new questions at https://answers.ros.org/. If you’re struggling, I’d encourage you to stay tuned to the Hardware Acceleration Working Group activities. The ZCU102 is one of the community boards we’re supporting and we’re hoping to release tools soon to automate embedded flows.

  2. You could run everything with micro-ROS as a client. I had a quick look and found rclcpp micro-ROS examples (GitHub - micro-ROS/micro-ROS-demos: Sample code using rclc and rclcpp implementations.), however, this doesn’t seem to be advertised in the architecture. The underlying default RTOS (at least last time I checked) is NuttX, which has some degree of C++ support. However layers between the RTOS and rcl need also to expose such capability. I don’t see rclcpp in the last diagram so I’ll defer to @FraFin @Jaime_Martin_Losa , @Ingo_Lutkebohle and @ralph-lange (amongst many others) who know more about this than me.

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