Motion Pure Pursuit Package Issue (version 3.0.0)

There is possibly a bug in this package where by you load the set of recorded waypoints with perfect RTK fix, then launch pure pursuit.

Within 1 or 2 waypoints (recorded at 1 second intervals) just before start of a curve, the target and goal Markers, are set to the first waypoint in the csv list.

After debugging, the getNextWayoint() method is causing it when looping through the waypoints.

Looking at how the lattice planner deals with this, there used to be a check for relative coordinate to make sure the selected waypoints are in front of the vehicle.

if (calcRelativeCoordinate(, current_pose_).x < 0) { continue; }

After putting this same functionality in the pure pursuit getNextWaypoint() method, the selected waypoint is now always in front of the vehicle.

Hi @SolarDrift

Discourse is for general ROS discussions and not bug reports. You will get problem fixed faster if you submit an issue ticket with the original package maintainer. You might also want to try if that doesn’t work. I am going to close this topic but feel free to message me privately if you need more help.

Hi @Katherine_Scott

I already had done before posting this:

This is why I posted it in here with Autoware tag?

It looks like a bug, but it’s merely a solution.


I guess I don’t understand. Is this a bug or a solution to a bug? If you would like to discus how to fix a particular ticketed issue I would suggest you at least post a link back to the original package/issue so others can get some context about what you are trying to solve.