Moveit! now enabled for ROS1 on Windows

Great, thanks for the cool work.

In the original porting status docs ( ) you wrote that work on porting Gazebo would start after the port of MoveIt! was completed. Given that MoveIt! is now available in ROS1 for Windows, are you still planning to tackle the port of the existing version of Gazebo to Windows next?

Regarding that, in the past I worked in adding the Gazebo dependencies to vcpkg ( see ). vcpkg is quite an interesting project, but the fact that it does not support binary installation limits its usefulness in several contexts. I happily noticed that instead for the the “system” dependencies of ROS1 (the one usually handled by rosdep) you set up a NuGet/Chocolatey repository of C++ libraries at . I have two question on this:

Again, thanks a lot for your amazing work.

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