Hi all, your friendly neighborhood navigator here!
We have a new Costmap 2D Costmap Filter to announce: The Binary Filter. This filter is pretty straight forward, you can now use a spatial mask to define some kind of binary behavior like enabling/disabling cameras in sensitive areas (like bathrooms), toggling headlights, changing algorithms (I suppose, though we have better Behavior Tree tools for that), event triggering, and more!
You can read all about it in the Nav2 documentation: Binary Filter Parameters — Navigation 2 1.0.0 documentation
As a taste of it, @amerzlyakov made a nice descriptive demo image showing the costmap filter mask overlaid on a map of a hospital. Once in the zone, the publication of the camera images are halted, then resumed once back outsize the area. This joins the Speed Limiting and Keepout Zone Costmap Filters in Nav2 enabling efficient spatial mask behaviors. Stay tuned for vector/polygon-style behaviors soon™.
Happy binarying,