Your friendly neighborhood navigation maintainer here, I wanted to share with you a new tutorial on the Navigation2 website here.
It goes over the basics of “what is a plugin”, “what are the components of a costmap plugin”, and “how do I make this all work”. A colleague of mine at Samsung Research Russia, Alexey Merzlyakov, wrote this great tutorial and I wanted to make sure it got some good visibility to people new to navigation and interested in creating their awesome-new-plugin
I’ve been on a bit of a documentation bender creating and adding content to the Navigation2 website so please do check that out and give me feedback. I’m adding new content nightly (not going to lie, a beer is often involved) and your input could have an immediate impact on current and future users. My intention is to lob out as much content as possible in an organized fashion and hope that you the users will give me feedback so we can polish it together.
Also if you’re interested in adding documentation, help is always appreciated. I believe to make Navigation2 as successful as something like MoveIt, documentation and tutorials are key.