New Course - Kalman Filters

Hi ROS Developers!

I just wanted to share with you one of The Construct’s new courses. The Kalman Filters course will teach you how they work and how to apply them to mobile robots using ROS.

Course link:

It’s an intermediate level course that takes about 30 hours to complete. You should be versed in the basics of Python, Linux, and ROS before starting it.

Course description

One of the most common problems in robot navigation is knowing where your robot is localized in the environment (known as robot localization). In this field, Kalman Filters are one of the most important tools that we can use.

You’ll be using the Turtlebot2 robot in this course. The goal is to learn the importance of Kalman Filters in robotics: how they work both theoretically and the Python implementation. After that, you will apply the studied filters to mobile robots using ROS.