[ANNOUNCEMENT] New Course: ROS2 Navigation

Hey ROS Developers!

I just wanted to share with you one of The Construct’s new courses. ROS2 Navigation will teach you how to autonomously navigate robots in ROS2.

Course link: Course: ROS2 Navigation | The Construct

This course takes about 40 hours to complete. You should be versed in the basics of Linux and Python before starting it.

Course description

Navigation is one of the key features any mobile robot must have. With the arrival of ROS2, it becomes very important to learn how to make your robot autonomously navigate.

You will learn:

  • Learn how to create a map of the environment
  • Learn how to localize a robot in an environment
  • Learn how to perform path planning from an initial position to a goal destination
  • Learn how to avoid obstacles while executing the planned path

Simulation Robots Used

Turtlebot3 Burger, Turtlebot3 Waffle


As a general note, there’s alot of miswording in this course, there’s no “ROS2 Navigation”, there’s either “Nav2” or “Navigation2” (where Nav2 is much more widely used)

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