New course - Robot Dynamics and Control

Hi ROS Developers!

I just wanted to share with you one of The Construct’s new courses. Robot Dynamics and Control will teach you how to develop dynamic models and intelligent control systems for simple robots.

Course link:

It’s an intermediate level course that takes about 15 hours to complete. You should be versed in the basics of Python, Linux, and ROS before starting it.

Course description

Robot Dynamics is really important since it gives you a complete understanding not only of how robots move (kinematics), but also WHY they move (dynamics).

You’ll be using the RRBot Robot Manipulator to learn how to solve the dynamics for the motion of rigid bodies in 3D space with the use of Newton’s laws of motion, how to model the dynamics of a simple robotic system and how to derive its equations of motion, and how to create a full state feedback controller to allow a robotic system to balance.