New Internationalization / Localization Support in Foxglove Studio

Foxglove Studio has users from all over the globe, so we were thrilled when a member of the open source community contributed a pull request adding internationalization support to the app!

We are very excited to see how this localization support will benefit both current and future Foxglove Studio users!

To add your own translations, check out our contribution guide and open a pull request in the Foxglove Studio GitHub repo.

Translations are organized by both language and app view (e.g. Chinese for the Preferences dialog), so you can take on manageable sections of the app without committing to translating the entire app for your language.

We hope this new internationalization support makes our platform even easier to use for our growing community of Foxglove users!

If you have any feedback or questions, please comment below or reach out to the Foxglove team directly in our Slack community.

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