Updates to Foxglove Studio (v0.10.2) for ROS visualization + debugging

Hello all,

It’s been a while since we first introduced Foxglove Studio (foxglove.dev), our open source tool for comprehensive robotics data visualization and debugging.

We recently released v0.10.2, with some exciting new features to help accelerate your ROS dev workflows:

  • Improved app initialization performance
  • Streamlined UI – Integrated workspace controls into one convenient sidebar UI – use to configure app preferences, perform layout actions, and set variables.
  • ROS 1 Publishing – Bundled ROS 1 common data types & added support for publishing via the native ROS connection.
  • Common ROS datatypes – Added & exposed built-in definitions for common ROS datatypes.
  • @foxglove/rosmsg – Added a package specifically for ROS message parsing.
  • Image panel improvements – Optimized camera tuning capabilities & added custom zoom levels, more image encodings, and marker array support for overlaid markers.

We also have some exciting work in progress to support several widely requested features: shared team layouts, user-contributed extensions (e.g. custom panels for your project-specific needs), and ROS 2 support.

You can download the app at foxglove.dev/download, and check out our full release notes and documentation for more details!

As always, feedback is always welcome – reach us with feature requests and questions here in this thread, or on Slack, GitHub, and Twitter.


ROS2 is what I’m looking forward to! ETA for this feature?

We have a large but early stage project so we can give valuable feedback as y’all develop this.



Thanks for the feedback! Adding ROS2 support is one of our highest priorities.

You can stay up-to-date on our progress via our Slack channel. We’ll also be sure to share out feature announcements on our Twitter page.