We’re happy to announce the next update for ROS Melodic. We have 72 new packages as well as 61 updated packages.
As always, thanks to all of the maintainers and contributors who help make these updates possible!
Full details are below.
Package Updates for melodic
Added Packages [72]:
- ros-melodic-assisted-teleop: 0.3.1-0
- ros-melodic-async-comm: 0.1.0-0
- ros-melodic-convex-decomposition: 0.1.12-0
- ros-melodic-ethercat-grant: 0.2.5-0
- ros-melodic-ethercat-trigger-controllers: 1.10.15-1
- ros-melodic-executive-smach-visualization: 2.0.2-0
- ros-melodic-face-detector: 1.1.2-0
- ros-melodic-fcl-catkin: 0.5.94-0
- ros-melodic-goal-passer: 0.3.1-0
- ros-melodic-gscam: 1.0.1-0
- ros-melodic-ivcon: 0.1.7-0
- ros-melodic-joint-trajectory-action: 1.10.15-1
- ros-melodic-leg-detector: 1.1.2-0
- ros-melodic-navigation-experimental: 0.3.1-0
- ros-melodic-navigation-layers: 0.5.0-0
- ros-melodic-ocean-battery-driver: 1.1.6-0
- ros-melodic-openni-camera: 1.11.1-0
- ros-melodic-openni-description: 1.11.1-0
- ros-melodic-openni-launch: 1.11.1-0
- ros-melodic-openrtm-aist: 1.1.2-3
- ros-melodic-p2os-doc: 2.1.1-3
- ros-melodic-p2os-driver: 2.1.1-3
- ros-melodic-p2os-launch: 2.1.1-3
- ros-melodic-p2os-msgs: 2.1.1-3
- ros-melodic-p2os-teleop: 2.1.1-3
- ros-melodic-p2os-urdf: 2.1.1-3
- ros-melodic-people: 1.1.2-0
- ros-melodic-people-tracking-filter: 1.1.2-0
- ros-melodic-people-velocity-tracker: 1.1.2-0
- ros-melodic-pilz-extensions: 0.2.0-0
- ros-melodic-pilz-msgs: 0.2.0-0
- ros-melodic-pose-base-controller: 0.3.1-0
- ros-melodic-pose-follower: 0.3.1-0
- ros-melodic-power-monitor: 1.1.6-0
- ros-melodic-pr2-calibration-controllers: 1.10.15-1
- ros-melodic-pr2-common: 1.12.3-0
- ros-melodic-pr2-controller-interface: 1.8.18-0
- ros-melodic-pr2-controller-manager: 1.8.18-0
- ros-melodic-pr2-controllers: 1.10.15-1
- ros-melodic-pr2-controllers-msgs: 1.10.15-1
- ros-melodic-pr2-dashboard-aggregator: 1.12.3-0
- ros-melodic-pr2-description: 1.12.3-0
- ros-melodic-pr2-gripper-action: 1.10.15-1
- ros-melodic-pr2-hardware-interface: 1.8.18-0
- ros-melodic-pr2-head-action: 1.10.15-1
- ros-melodic-pr2-machine: 1.12.3-0
- ros-melodic-pr2-mechanism: 1.8.18-0
- ros-melodic-pr2-mechanism-controllers: 1.10.15-1
- ros-melodic-pr2-mechanism-diagnostics: 1.8.18-0
- ros-melodic-pr2-mechanism-model: 1.8.18-0
- ros-melodic-pr2-msgs: 1.12.3-0
- ros-melodic-pr2-power-board: 1.1.6-0
- ros-melodic-pr2-power-drivers: 1.1.6-0
- ros-melodic-prbt-grippers: 0.0.1-0
- ros-melodic-prbt-pg70-support: 0.0.1-0
- ros-melodic-radar-omnipresense: 0.3.0-0
- ros-melodic-range-sensor-layer: 0.5.0-0
- ros-melodic-robot-mechanism-controllers: 1.10.15-1
- ros-melodic-sainsmart-relay-usb: 0.0.2-0
- ros-melodic-sbpl-lattice-planner: 0.3.1-0
- ros-melodic-sbpl-recovery: 0.3.1-0
- ros-melodic-single-joint-position-action: 1.10.15-1
- ros-melodic-smach-viewer: 2.0.2-0
- ros-melodic-social-navigation-layers: 0.5.0-0
- ros-melodic-tuw-geometry: 0.0.2-0
- ros-melodic-twist-recovery: 0.3.1-0
- ros-melodic-velodyne: 1.4.0-0
- ros-melodic-velodyne-driver: 1.4.0-0
- ros-melodic-velodyne-laserscan: 1.4.0-0
- ros-melodic-velodyne-msgs: 1.4.0-0
- ros-melodic-velodyne-pointcloud: 1.4.0-0
- ros-melodic-view-controller-msgs: 0.1.3-0
Updated Packages [61]:
- ros-melodic-dataspeed-can: 1.0.10-0 -> 1.0.11-0
- ros-melodic-dataspeed-can-msg-filters: 1.0.10-0 -> 1.0.11-0
- ros-melodic-dataspeed-can-tools: 1.0.10-0 -> 1.0.11-0
- ros-melodic-dataspeed-can-usb: 1.0.10-0 -> 1.0.11-0
- ros-melodic-ecl: 0.60.2-0 -> 0.60.3-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-command-line: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-concepts: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-containers: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-converters: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-core: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-core-apps: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-devices: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-eigen: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-exceptions: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-filesystem: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-formatters: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-geometry: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-ipc: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-linear-algebra: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-manipulation: 0.60.2-0 -> 0.60.3-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-manipulators: 0.60.2-0 -> 0.60.3-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-math: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-mpl: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-sigslots: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-statistics: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-streams: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-threads: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-time: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-type-traits: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-ecl-utilities: 0.62.1-0 -> 0.62.2-0
- ros-melodic-libphidget21: 0.7.6-0 -> 0.7.7-0
- ros-melodic-mavlink: 2018.8.8-0 -> 2018.9.17-0
- ros-melodic-moveit-resources: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
- ros-melodic-network-interface: 2.0.0-0 -> 2.1.0-0
- ros-melodic-oxford-gps-eth: 0.0.6-0 -> 1.0.0-0
- ros-melodic-pacmod-game-control: 2.1.0-1 -> 2.2.0-0
- ros-melodic-pacmod3: 1.1.0-0 -> 1.1.1-0
- ros-melodic-people-msgs: 1.1.1-0 -> 1.1.2-0
- ros-melodic-phidgets-api: 0.7.6-0 -> 0.7.7-0
- ros-melodic-phidgets-drivers: 0.7.6-0 -> 0.7.7-0
- ros-melodic-phidgets-high-speed-encoder: 0.7.6-0 -> 0.7.7-0
- ros-melodic-phidgets-ik: 0.7.6-0 -> 0.7.7-0
- ros-melodic-phidgets-imu: 0.7.6-0 -> 0.7.7-0
- ros-melodic-plotjuggler: 1.8.3-0 -> 1.8.4-0
- ros-melodic-rosdoc-lite: 0.2.7-0 -> 0.2.8-0
- ros-melodic-rosmon: 1.0.8-0 -> 1.0.9-0
- ros-melodic-rospack: 2.5.1-0 -> 2.5.2-0
- ros-melodic-rospilot: 1.5.0-0 -> 1.5.1-0
- ros-melodic-slam-karto: 0.8.0-0 -> 0.8.1-0
- ros-melodic-sophus: 1.0.1-0 -> 1.0.1-1
- ros-melodic-tuw-airskin-msgs: 0.0.8-0 -> 0.0.10-1
- ros-melodic-tuw-gazebo-msgs: 0.0.8-0 -> 0.0.10-1
- ros-melodic-tuw-geometry-msgs: 0.0.8-0 -> 0.0.10-1
- ros-melodic-tuw-msgs: 0.0.8-0 -> 0.0.10-1
- ros-melodic-tuw-multi-robot-msgs: 0.0.8-0 -> 0.0.10-1
- ros-melodic-tuw-nav-msgs: 0.0.8-0 -> 0.0.10-1
- ros-melodic-tuw-object-msgs: 0.0.8-0 -> 0.0.10-1
- ros-melodic-tuw-vehicle-msgs: 0.0.8-0 -> 0.0.10-1
- ros-melodic-velodyne-description: 1.0.7-0 -> 1.0.8-0
- ros-melodic-velodyne-gazebo-plugins: 1.0.7-0 -> 1.0.8-0
- ros-melodic-velodyne-simulator: 1.0.7-0 -> 1.0.8-0
Removed Packages [0]:
Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:
- AutonomouStuff Software Development Team
- AutonomouStuff Software Team
- Benjamin Binder
- Christopher Berner
- Dan Lazewatsky
- Daniel Koch
- Daniel Stonier
- Dave Coleman
- David V. Lu!!
- Davide Faconti
- Dirk Thomas
- Garren Hendricks
- Geoff Viola
- George Todoran
- Hunter L. Allen
- Isaac I.Y. Saito
- Jack O’Quin
- Jonathan Bohren
- Josh Whitley
- Kei Okada
- Kevin Hallenbeck
- Markus Bader
- Martin Guenther
- Martin Günther
- Max Schwarz
- Michael Ferguson
- Micho Radovnikovich
- Pilz GmbH and Co. KG
- ROS Orphaned Package Maintainers
- Raphael Hauk
- Russel Howe
- Shadow Robot’s software team
- Vladimir Ermakov
- Wolfgang Merkt