New packages for Melodic 2019-11-14

We’re happy to announce the next update for ROS Melodic. We have 32 new packages as well as 126 updated packages.

Full details are below.

Package Updates for melodic

Added Packages [32]:

Updated Packages [126]:

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

  • AWS RoboMaker
  • Alexander Bubeck
  • Benjamin Maidel
  • Chris Lalancette
  • Christoph Rösmann
  • Daniel Miller
  • Davide Faconti
  • Devon Ash
  • Diego Centelles
  • Felipe Garcia Lopez
  • Felix Messmer
  • Felix Zeltner
  • Florian Weisshardt
  • HXR
  • Jannik Abbenseth
  • Javier Perez
  • Johannes Meyer
  • Jon Binney
  • Joshua Hampp
  • Justin Carpentier
  • Kevin Hallenbeck
  • Marc Hanheide
  • Mario Prats
  • Martin Pecka
  • Mathias Lüdtke
  • Matthias Gruhler
  • Max Schwarz
  • Micho Radovnikovich
  • Nick Hawes
  • P. J. Reed
  • Richard Bormann
  • Rohan Agrawal
  • Scott K Logan
  • Siddhartha Banerjee
  • Vladimir Ermakov
  • Yasuto Shiigi
  • dfaconti