New ROS Online Course - Gazebo Sim with ROS2 - Learn from scratch

Hello Everyone, we’ve just released a new course, ‘Gazebo Sim With ROS2,’ designed to help you learn Gazebo Sim and how to connect it to ROS2!

Gazebo Sim is a 3D dynamic simulator developed and maintained by The Open Source Robotics Foundation (OSRF). It possesses the capability to accurately and efficiently simulate populations of robots in intricate indoor and outdoor environments. It offers highly detailed physics simulations, a suite of sensors, and user-friendly interfaces.

The goal of the course is to teach you to build your simulation world using Gazebo Sim and seamlessly integrate it with ROS2.

Here’s what you’ll learn from this course:

  • The modern Gazebo Sim GUI
  • Building a Robot for Gazebo Sim
  • Connecting Gazebo Sim to ROS2 using “ros_gz_bridge”
  • Building custom Gazebo Sim worlds
  • Adding functionality by including new plugins for Gazebo Sim

For each unit, you will have a detailed notebook with clear instructions to guide you step by step. Meanwhile, you can practice programming with robot simulation.

Ignition Gazebo

You can find the course on The Construct Platform >> Introduction to Gazebo Sim with ROS2 course - hands-on | The Construct

Feel free to ask any questions or share your thoughts about the course – we’re here to help!