OSRA: Pioneering a Sustainable Open Source Ecosystem for Robotics | Sense Think Act Podcast

2024-03-19 · 1:58:11


Open Robotics

Open Source

Willow Garage

What is the Open Source Robotics Alliance (OSRA) and how is it pioneering a sustainable open source ecosystem for robotics? You'll like this interview if you're interested in the open source robotics ecosystem and how it's evolving. With Geoff Biggs from Open Robotics and Tully Foote from Open Robotics and Intrinsic.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.sensethinkact.com/episodes/37-tully-foote-and-geoff-biggs

So, is STA with Audrow back or is this just a one-time return?

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We worked with @audrow to cross post it here from the Audrow Nash Podcast because of how relevant this was to the audience from the recent announcement

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What I really liked:

We had the 2D simulator Stage. What do you get if you raise a stage into 3D? Gazebo.