ROS News for the Week for March 18th, 2024

ROS News for the Week for March 18th, 2024


This week Open Robotics announced the Open Source Robotics Alliance – the OSRA is a new effort by Open Robotics to better support and organize ROS, Gazebo, Open-RMF, and the infrastructure that supports them.

I’ve organized some of the coverage below.

On 2024-03-26 we’ve planned a ROS Meetup San Antonio, Texas. The meetup coincides with the ROS Industrial Annual Consortium Meeting. If you can’t make it, the first day of the ROS-I annual meeting will have a free live stream.

Our next Gazebo Community Meeting is on 2024-03-27T16:00:00Z. We’ll be visited by Ji Zhang, a research scientist at Carnegie Mellon who focuses on LIDAR SLAM and exploration.

This week about a dozen major universities plus Toyota Research Institute and Google Deep Mind released the Distributed Robot Interaction Dataset (DROID). The data consists of 76,000 episodes across 564 different scenes. Check out the data here.

Do you maintain a ROS 2 Package? Please take a moment to make sure your documentation will build on the ROS build farm and render on by following this fantastic guide written by @ottojo




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Help your fellow developers out by updating your ROS 2 package documentation!


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