The new release of ROS 2 Crystal Clemmys is here!
This release includes an update to the default RMW provider, Fast-RTPS, along with improvements to launch, rclpy, and rmw_fastrtps. As always you can read the full details on the tracking issue for this release.
With the upgrade to Fast-RTPS, macOS users no longer need to use the tinyxml2@6.2.0
package from the osrf/homebrew-simulation tap. The installation instructions are being updated in ros2/ros2_documentation#162.
Package Updates for crystal
Note that package counts include dbgsym packages which have been filtered out from the list below
Added Packages [4]:
- ros-crystal-system-modes: 0.1.2-0
- ros-crystal-system-modes-examples: 0.1.2-0
Updated Packages [25]:
- ros-crystal-depthimage-to-laserscan: 2.2.0-0 -> 2.2.1-0
- ros-crystal-fastrtps: 1.7.0-0 -> 1.7.2-0
- ros-crystal-launch: 0.7.3-0 -> 0.7.4-0
- ros-crystal-launch-ros: 0.7.3-0 -> 0.7.4-0
- ros-crystal-launch-testing: 0.7.3-0 -> 0.7.4-0
- ros-crystal-py-trees: 1.0.0-0 -> 1.1.0-0
- ros-crystal-py-trees-ros-interfaces: 1.0.0-0 -> 1.1.0-0
- ros-crystal-rclcpp: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
- ros-crystal-rclcpp-action: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
- ros-crystal-rclcpp-lifecycle: 0.6.3-0 -> 0.6.4-0
- ros-crystal-rclpy: 0.6.3-1 -> 0.6.4-0
- ros-crystal-rmw-fastrtps-cpp: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
- ros-crystal-rmw-fastrtps-dynamic-cpp: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
- ros-crystal-rmw-fastrtps-shared-cpp: 0.6.1-0 -> 0.6.2-0
- ros-crystal-ros2launch: 0.7.3-0 -> 0.7.4-0
Removed Packages [2]:
- ros-crystal-py-trees-msgs
Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:
- Arne Nordmann
- Chris Lalancette
- Daniel Stonier
- Dirk Thomas
- Karsten Knese
- Steven! Ragnarök
- William Woodall