Pre-release testing on ROS2?

I’ve started making short youtube videos about topics I have found confusing or relevant to developers using ROS. Here is my latest one on doing pre-release testing for ROS2 distros:


Thanks for doing this! It is really helpful and we really appreciate it.

Should this instead be posted on


Two reasons for posting this where I did (and not in next generation ros).

The title was supposed to look like a question and therefore get those who would comment “post on ros answers” to open it.

The whole point of this was a bit of self deprecating humor (feel a bit stupid for spending so much time assuming preresease didn’t exist for ros2 and trying to manually do those tests) and to point out that the reason was it isn’t documented where I’d expect.

I figured those who follow MoveIt here would appreciate it but it might not come across as well if posted in a more general place.