Preparing for Foxy sync and patch release 2022-10-14

We’re planning for a Foxy sync for next week. There are currently 41 packages ready to sync and no regressions.

This patch release is due to the fact that we recently pulled in fixes in ros2/launch and ros2/rclpy to clear regressions in the previous build. See Fix the restoring of os.environ to maintain type ros2/launch #662 and Revert "Raise user handler exception in MultiThreadedExecutor ros2/rclpy #1017 for details.

If you find any further regressions when testing, please report it upstream and leave a comment here so we can track it leading up to the sync.

Starting Friday (2022-10-14) we’ll hold all rosdistro PRs for Foxy unless they fix reported regressions. Next week (the week of ROSCon!) we’ll announce the release.

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All done!