Preparing for Indigo Sync 2016-12-21

We successfully synced Jade and Kinetic last week. We held off on indigo since there was only ~30 packages ready and there was a regression in the jsk packages.

Since there we’ve added several releases and now have over 100 packages to sync. However we also have a few more regressions.

Many of the regressions are due to this issue:

It would be great to get a sync out before the end of the year but I know that we’re looking at a lull in development as people will be travelling for the next week or two. So at the latest lets shoot for a new sync in the first week of January.

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We’re close to no regressoins. We are down to 4 packages that are indicated as regressions. Of which 2 are failing to build and the other two are dependent on the failing packages.

I’ve ticketed the two failing packages:

However it appears that they might be a result of a moved or removed moveit header files. @130s I haven’t dug into this but it looks like both these failing builds were triggered by the recent moveit release;

Unless it sounds like there will be a fix in the next day or two I will likely still sync with the regressions since we have a large batch of packages that have been waiting longer than normal already.

If we do sync with the regressions and the fixes are in soon we can rerun the sync ahead of schedule to fix the regressions.

We have the fixed version of ur_kinematics available now:

We had one regression which I’ve reverted so we can get a clean build:

Once the rebuild finishes, I expect we can get a sync out.