We have 128 packages with updates and no regressions for kinetic at the moment. Please reply here if there are any undocumented issues otherwise we will plan to sync tomorrow.
Does this include the latest commit in https://github.com/ros-planning/navigation/commit/51dfabcb4d6deee5a63329e1e6dfab6ae563d47d
That AMCL bug causes exceptions when localizing.
The last release of navigation (including amcl) was done on August 14th so any commit merged after that are not be included. To get a new version released, you can open an issue on the navigation repository to request a new release from the maintainers.
Fergusen intends to release that diff, was hoping it would make it into this release since it is causing segfaults, here is the thread: https://github.com/ros-planning/navigation/pull/666
The ROS release pipeline works in several stages.
When a maintainer makes a release, the package will be built and available on the test/shadow repository. You can monitor the status of the various repositories via the status pages (e.g this one for Kinetic on Ubuntu).
After a couple weeks in the testing repository without reported regression, we will announce the upcoming sync via a thread analog to this one.
It will then be synced to the main repository and the summary of the sync is announced on discourse: New Packages for Kinetic 2018-03-15.
In this particular case, as a new version of navigation has not been released, it’s not available on the testing repository yet, hence was not been part of today’s sync.