Preparing for Kinetic Sync 2019-07-22

We have 78 packages to sync and no regressions on for Kinetic.

I plan to hold new releases and sync on Thursday.

Please reply here if there’s anything that should effect this timeline.

Any chance we could see a new rosdep release as well? Looking to get this feature out.

Please note that the current packages on shadow-fix have regressions:

  • ros-kinetic-cloudwatch-logger
  • ros-kinetic-cloudwatch-metrics-collector

We are actively working on fixes to restore the functionality of these packages. If no remedy can be found by Monday, per OSRF guidance, we will rollback.

With the regressions above as well as it looks like an issue with

I will plan to extend the freeze until Tuesday. If there are not fixes available Monday we will start looking at rolling back recent releases until we get to a good state or plan to sync with the regressions and fix it in the next sync.

rosdep releases are out of band for the rosdistro syncs. But we can look into whether we’re ready for a new release of rosdep.

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Yes, please! Can I help?

With the regressions above as well as it looks like an issue with

We have fixed the kinesis issue : kinesis_manager: 2.0.1-1 in 'kinetic/distribution.yaml' [bloom] by timrobotson · Pull Request #21848 · ros/rosdistro · GitHub

Also, we have fixed

  • ros-kinetic-cloudwatch-logger
  • ros-kinetic-cloudwatch-metrics-collector

and both are currently up to date via rosdistro (repositories has the correct versions). We would like to plan on syncing :slight_smile:

Thank you to everyone who resolved the regressions. The sync reports show no regressions so I will plan to sync tomorrow unless there’s anything else critical reported here.

The sync is out: