I am planning to do a sync of Rolling on 2023-06-15T07:00:00Z. There are currently a few regressions in Rolling and a rebuild of the RHEL is required in order to lift the pin to RHEL 9.1 now that our dependencies have finished building in EPEL.
Assuming that all goes well with that rebuild, we’ll hold releases starting Wednesday and sync on Thursday. Please report any regressions or issues with packages in testing (or releases which address them) in this thread for visibility.
The RHEL builds have stabilized, but we’re just now starting the rebuild. I expect it to complete by EOD, but this sync will likely have to wait until 2023-06-16T07:00:00Z.
Hope this isn’t too late, but warehouse_ros_mongo is missing on buildfarm/deb repository for a while. Release was done last year.
Would you @nuclearsandwich mind taking a look before the sync, to see if this is something that can be done on the farm side (without requiring a new release on package maintenance’ end)?
Thanks for raising the issue as I had not yet gotten to that mention on GitHub. I’ve explained why the package is currently missing on the linked issue and I do not think it will resolve for this sync.
But if there’s a way to bring it back future syncs could include the package.