Project Proposal: Mobile App for publishing sensor data, AR pose and depth

Tagging a few users who I thought could be interested, based on previous activity on ROS discourse
@atyshka ( Discussion: ROS2 on mobile devices)
@yasuch GitHub - YasuChiba/ROS2-Mobile-Android: Visualization and controlling application for Android
@NicoS (GitHub - ROS-Mobile/ROS-Mobile-Android: Visualization and controlling application for Android)
@fmrico (ROsBOBO – ROSIN)
@esteve (GitHub - ros2-java/ros2_java: Java and Android bindings for ROS2)
@kodieartner (GitHub - kodie-artner/AR-RViz: Unity Project for visualization and control of ROS systems in augmented reality)

Any comments/insights you could provide would be greatly appreciated!