ROS-Mobile Update 2.1

We are happy to present version 2.1.0 of our app ROS-Mobile, which includes a variety of bug fixes and new features like a battery indicator, rqt-plot integration and additional TF layers to publish targets via touch input as well as display 2D laser scans.
Feel free to test the changes or the app in general!

App on Google Play:

If you would like to contribute, give us feedback or ideas, you can reach us on our github page at


Thanks for posting this! Such a handy tool for the ROS community.

Nice, I need to try this. Any option to download this from f-droid?

@Humpelstilzchen that would be a great addition. I would propose to open an issue on the app repo and ask if they are ok with it. Also you need to find an alternative to the rosjava_bootstrap buildscript.gradle. I found some of them on but ran out of time.

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@Humpelstilzchen I dont think so, but we’ll discuss this!

@jspricke yep. Generally it is really hard to work with the rosjava implementation. Tried a few times to somehow get around it (also the current problem with ROS2).