Proposal for ROSCon DE 2023 - Getting feedback on interest and involvement

======== German version below =========

Dear community,

for years, I have been wondering why there is not ROSCon DE – so now when our company moved to new premises with great infrastructure possibilities – I decided to take organization in my hands!

First, we would like to get feedback on your interest. Please fill this questionary in the next two weeks – this will help up to shape the first ROSCon DE to the community needs!

We are targeting towards the end of the year (November or December as potential time) in Karlsruhe



======== German =========

Liebe Community,

schon mehrere Jahre frage ich mich, warum gibt es kein ROSCon DE. Jetzt wenn unsere Firma in neuen Räumlichkeiten mit hervorragender Infrastruktur umgezogen ist - ich habe entschieden, dass die Orga in meine Hände nehme!

Als Erstes möchten wir euer Interesse erkunden. Bitte, diese Umfrage in nächsten 2 Wochen ausfüllen. Diese wird uns helfen, die erste ROSCon DE besser nach Community-Wünschen zu richten!

Aktuell ist der Plan gegen Ende des Jahres das Event zu organisieren (November oder Dezember) in Karlsruhe




Hi Denis,

could you elaborate what would be the main differentiator compared to the “global” ROSCon. After all, every few years, that one will be in Europe too.

Thanks for pushing in this direction. My main reason for considering this is that the “global” event is a bit expensive when it’s on another continent.


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Since the introduction is in two languages, will the main language be English or German?

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Hi @Robert_Bevec,

Main differentiator is locality. The idea is to orient it more toward local community, provide easier access to the event (distance, language, price). It is true that ROSCon is every few years in Europe, but it is usually big event at big conference venues. We are planning to organize more focused event, with limited number of people (at least for the first year - to keep the costs lower), and also strive to have German session and build it around needs of local community.

P.S. sorry to wait for my answer, I was having important personal obligations in the last weeks.

Hi @Timple,

This is not decided yet. From the answers we are tending more toward English. Ideally we mange to provide subtitles so that presenters can present in the language they like. Otherwise, we maybe make a German session. But as I said, this depends on the submissions too / they will be possible in both languages.

P.S. sorry to wait for my answer, I was having important personal obligations in the last weeks.

I think I understand what you mean, @destogl. You want to create a more local community and serve their targeted needs.(country based) I kind of have a different desire. I feel that the current system is very globally unified (one might even say centralized) and I am looking for a more distributed solution (pun intended). If Roscon had some simultaneous continent specific satellite events, where they’d stream some main events from ROSCON and offer some way of participation, I think more people could take part.

Good luck with the organization,

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The ideas is definitely not to replace any part of the main event, but extend the options for people and provide higher accessibility to the event.

Except some presentations in German, I am not actually sure there will be much difference to the event than being done in other European countries. Especial because the countries are connected very well in educational and economic sense.

Dear community,

Thank you for participation in the initial questionary. After this, it is clear - ROSCon DE will definitely happen. You can see the results below.

Before starting with official announcements and organization, I am waiting for some confirmations that would be major blockers and potentially would postpone the plan. I’ll keep you posted!

For now, here are some results! There were 115 participants.


Great news ,

Is it possible to get video readings just like roscon 2022 , for people who are not able to make the event? .Thanks !

Great news ,

Is it possible to get video recording just like roscon 2022 , for people who are not able to make the event? .Thanks !

It is too early to make any commitment about it. I can only, say I have this in vision and we will do it if from the organizational and cost presprective is possible.

Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks for the feedback.

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