Is there a platform specific instruction for ROS2 installation on a Raspberry Pi 3 running Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye 64-bit edition?
I was trying to follow the steps outlined for Debian packages but there is a roadblock for my knowledge level. The following command is supposed to add the repository so that I can update/upgrade subsequently:
I noticed that this command is for Ubuntu specifically. I don’t know what terms should be used for Raspberry Pi OS arm64 flavor. Even the package URL should be pointing to a Debian alternative, I believe. Any guidance will be appreciated. Thanks.
I have one for Ubuntu ARM64 desktop, but the big issue is getting the Raspicam to work with it. The notes are in GitHub Ubiquity Robotics pi2-image. In Ubuntu, ROS Noetic is just a sudo apt install ros-noetic-desktop-full. Caution, gazebo will run on a PI 4, but painfully slow. Also, make sure you have good heatsinks.
I have Humble running on ARM64 Ubuntu 22, but CSI cameras won’t run on the old Raspicam mmal. Lib-camera and Christian Rauch’s ros_camera do run. Gazebo doesn’t exist for Ubuntu 22.