How to deploy ROS2 package?

Hi there,

I’m trying to run Raspberry Pi camera node on ROS2 from:

I have successfully built ROS2 (latest public release) on my Raspberry Pi and ran the publisher/listener examples.

After building the above project for Raspberry Pi camera, I am not able to actually run it with ros2 run command. When I list all existing packages with ros2 pkg list, I don’t see the package above in the summary.

Any help would be great, since I’m new to the tooling of ROS2.

Ping for the original author of the Raspberry Pi camera node for ROS2: @christian :grinning:



Ok, so the trick was to source the package properly. Ament (the build tool) creates artifacts in the install folder with bunch of helper scripts.

All you need to do is to source it with . ./install/local_setup.bash. Now, ros2 pkg list will list the rospicam2 package.