Raspberry Pi ROS + OpenCV robot kit for Makers

Hi Rodrigo, thanks for the note.

I actually got the Duckietown ROS software stack running on our Raspbian ROS OpenCV image. Our ROSbots kit is functionally equivalent to the duckiebot.

I reached out to the duckietown team members to see if we can work together. If you know anyone on the Duckietown team, would appreciate an intro. I believe our two efforts complement each other very well (we are focused on HW, them on curriculum framework for ROS).

As for vision on a RPi, totally agree. I’m thinking at having a ROS container and/or VM that runs on a laptop/server (maybe even in the cloud) do the heavy lifting computations, while pointing at the ROS_MASTER_URI on the ROSbots Pi running ROS. Assuming you have the bandwidth to stream the images from the Pi Camera to the machine at 15-30 FPS (which shouldn’t be a problem compressed at 640x480), you can run vision, localization, whatevers with another ROSbots “brain” living off the actual RPi. Hope that makes sense!

Appreciate the odroid suggestion but I’m trying to avoid requiring anyone to buy a >$50 SBC and/or co-processor.

Let me know if you have further feedback or suggestions.

BTW - what are you working on using ROS? Love to learn more.

Jack “ROSbots Maker”