I published the 2nd post of a multi-part series that implements concepts learned from Coursera’s Control of Mobile Robots (CMR) on to our ROS+OpenCV ROSbots robot kit for Makers.
In this part 2 post, I describe the unicycle and differential drive models and implement the conversion and controllers using ROS and ROSbots. Future posts, parts 3 and beyond, will completely implement the CMR assignments.
On an ongoing basis, I will implement various online robotics courseware and textbooks on our ROSbots robot kit as an effort to learn / re-learn robotics concepts and theory, welcoming others to join along with their own ROSbots kit.
As usual, love to hear what the community thinks of the effort. As usual, don’t hesitate to reach out with questions, suggestions and feedback. Want to collaborate? Love to connect as well.
Jack “the ROSbots Maker”