Virtually every robotics CTO we’ve spoken to has told us about this dilemma about fleet management systems: neither “make” nor “buy” are great options! With Transitive we are providing an alternative.
You forgot to mention Open-RMF, but I am sure that’s an just oversight.
I would love to see Open-RMF running with Transitive’s Teleop and WebRTC capabilities. Maybe you can sweet talk @Yadunund into giving it a try.
Good call! Yes, Open-RMF would have deserved a mention here, my bad. But when I spoke with Matthew and the others from the team a year ago or so we concluded that Open-RMF and Transitive really address two very different aspects of fleet management. I would describe it as Transitive being much more web/front-end and tooling focused, whereas Open-RMF is more concerned with fleet coordination, i.e., controlling the behaviors of robots operating in a shared environment with shared resources, and integration with infrastructure like elevators. We’ve talked about integrating the two – they do seem awfully complementary – but haven’t come across an appropriate design-partner for it yet.
I would like to tell you that there are robot systems such as ALOHA that allow users to choose between “make” or “buy.”
Turtlebot3 is also included.
@Y.Shibata I think you may have misunderstood something. Transitive is not a robot. It’s a full-stack software framework for building web-based fleet management systems and other cloud tools for robots.
This is fairly accurate. Open-RMF provides the functionality of fleet management (and management of multiple fleets that can’t talk to each other), but its UI features are fairly thin. It’s the perfect system to build your own application-specific UI on top of. You’ll get all the good stuff for managing and assigning tasks, de-conflicting routes to avoid traffic jams, managing use of shared resources such as elevators, and so on that are all so critical to a good fleet manager - and all these algorithms have been battle-tested over several years in actual use in a very large hospital environment with multiple fleets of robots performing their own tasks. Then you can build the UI and the back end of the UI to get information on each robot’s individual status in a way that works for your fleet/application/deployment, either from scratch if you’re adventurous or using existing frameworks such as Transistive’s.
Great to see this update @chfritz! I recall you’ve also shared your perspective on some of the potential alignments and opportunities you see between Transitive and Open-RMF along with relations to ROS and ROSbridge in your FAQ here. Thanks for sharing!
“Robot fleet management” as well as “interoperability” are such broad and increasingly widely used terms that it’s helpful to clarify the segment and/or issue being addressed!
Thank you for your reply. I don’t know how to express it in English, I got a 早とちり. Thanks,
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