ROS 2 alpha8

‘Support for non-ASCII strings in messages / services’ seems interesting for me, but quick example shows

  • it seems working. Am I missing something?
  • cpp publisher is ok
I heard: [Hello World: 130]
I heard: [Hello World: 131]
I heard: [Hello World: 132]
I heard: [こんにちわ: 1]
I heard: [こんにちわ: 2]
I heard: [こんにちわ: 3]

But python publisher is not working

user@ubuntu-16:~/ros2_ws$ listener
I heard: [S0�0k0a0:]
I heard: [S0�0k0a0:]
I heard: [S0�0k0a0:]
user@ubuntu-16:~/ros2_ws$ listener_py 
python3: /home/user/ros2_ws/build/std_msgs/rosidl_generator_py/std_msgs/msg/_string_s.c:54: std_msgs_string__convert_to_py: Assertion `pydata != NULL' failed.

Reported on

I do not think this is short term goal, but IDE/UML/Documentation integration would be an important feature on ROS2 as it support life-cycle management of the component, and I’m just thinking about start discussion with @gbiggs because he should have experience on this topic with OpenRTM, which I did not realize the importance of this feature 5 years ago.