It’s very easy to forget that when you have an inside perspective on ROS and the development of ROS 2 it’s “easy” to see that there is progress, that things have improved and that even for companies/devs that are deeply embedded in ROS 1 it will make sense to take a good look at ROS 2.
One of the questions/topics that always comes up when I talk to potential and actual users of ROS is “what is the status of X?” or “do you think I should be looking at Y?”
There’s just so much development going on and it’s all so scattered that for outsiders – or even for “casual users” (if those exist for something like ROS) – it’s very easy to lose track or not be up-to-date about it.
For that alone I believe the conclusion that @davetcoleman reaches in his summary above (and in the report) about putting more effort into dissemination might actually be a good one. But I must say that it’s very difficult to get anyone who has had a look “at ROS” in the past to re-evaluate their opinions: first impressions apparently count just as much in software engineering and robotics as in “real life”.
It’s also very easy to forget that if you’re familiar with something (including the process followed to construct it and its remaining shortcomings) you’ll more easily take a tolerant view of missing functionality, incomplete features and unexpected behaviour.
As some of the interviewees make clear: words like “nightmare”, “unstable”, “high failure rate” and “hopelessly” were apparently used to describe ROS (1) components.