ROS2 - Best hardware available today for development

Hi all,

Is there a list of off-the-shelf hardware available today that fully supports ROS2? Or at least hardware that would be, in your opinion, a good bet for future ROS2 developments?

The arm MARA would have been a perfect fit but unfortunately, they seem to be out of business.

Turtlebot3 also has ROS2 packages available, not sure how mature they are.


What kind of hardware are you looking for? And what applications are you going to develop? mobile robot? Or robot arm?

I think having an up to date list would be interesting regardless of our intended use. We have ongoing work under ROS1 in both mobile robots and arm manipulation. We might be able to buy a cobotic arm soon and I would like to make it as future-proof as possible. Any input is welcome.

Also, we would like to try out ROS2 regardless of the platform and decide when/if we want to make the switch.