ROS 2 E Name Brainstorming

eMoto has a robot ring to it… with a hint of empathy

As the release for Dashing is rapidly approaching, the window for E-turtle suggestions is closing.

Use the weekend to do some brainstorming and get all of your brilliant suggestions in by close of business on Monday, May 20!


And perhaps a tip for good suggestions: The first word (the adjective) is the “official” distro name, so it should be short and easy to type. Nobody wants to type source /opt/ros/ecclesiastical/… no wait, how many Cs are there in ecclesiastical?

Edit: I now also propose ecclesiastical as the new distro name. :stuck_out_tongue:


E-ros is a nice name and short also😅

+1 on Emerald - it’s easy to type and remember, and feels like it fits with Jade and Crystal

Evolving Eunotosaurus, after an evolutionary precursor to turtles.

ROS-E sounds like “Rosey” which has been what the public thinks a robot is since forever. It is also the name of my Alexa robot vacuum


@ThiloZimmermann or ROS-E “Rosey”


@Martin_Guenther why stop there?:grin: /opt/ros/electrocardiographic /opt/ros/electroencephalogram /opt/ros/electroluminescences /opt/ros/electrooculographies /opt/ros/electrophotographies /opt/ros/electrophysiological /opt/ros/electrophysiologists /opt/ros/electroretinographic /opt/ros/encephalomyocarditis /opt/ros/existentialistically /opt/ros/expressionlessnesses /opt/ros/extemporaneousnesses

eMotion has several ideas within…

electronic motion

Thank you for all of the creative and inspiring suggestions!

The name for the next ROS 2 Release will be:

Eloquent Elusor


That’s a stylish hair cut!

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