We’re happy to announce the ROS 2 release Eloquent Elusor!
To get an idea of what’s in this release, be sure to read the Eloquent Elusor page.
In addition to feature development, there has been a focus on organizing and improving tutorials for ROS2. We are asking the community to try these tutorials with Eloquent Elusor and provide feedback where possible. This feedback helps the team continuously improve the documentation.
Here are a few features and improvements we would like to highlight in this release:
- Support for markup-based launch files (XML/YAML)
- Improved launch-based testing
- Passing key-value parameters on CLI
- Support stream logging macros
- Per-node logging - All stdout/stderr output from nodes are logged in ~/.ros
- ros2doctor
- Improved performance of sourcing setup files
- rviz: interactive markers, torque ring, tf message filters
- rqt: parameter plugin, tf tree plugin, robot steering plugin (also backported to Dashing)
- turtlesim (also backported to Dashing)
- RMW implementations:
- API to loan message for zero copy, used by rmw_iceoryx
- FastRTPS 1.9.3
- New Tier-2 implementation: rmw_cyclonedds (also backported to Dashing)
- Environment variable ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY to limit communication to localhost
- MacOS Mojave Support
- Tracing instrumentation for rcl and rclcpp
And finally the name of the next ROS 2 release scheduled for May 2020 will be:
Foxy Fitzroy
Your friendly ROS 2 Team
P.S. Get your Elusor swag (including socks!)