As a follow-up to the last EWG meeting, now that we have the recording temporarily down, we think it may come in handy to share the material that has been presented by the special guests we invited to deliver talks:
- First of all, @anaelle-sw from Wyca Robotics gave a very nice introduction to their Elodie robot and discussed the role that micro-ROS will play in the very near future replacing rosserial in connecting sensors and actuators w/ the centralized processor running ROS 2 (which, in turn, will be a replacement for ROS 1). Find the PDF of the presentation: Wyca_EWG_03_02_21_presentation.pdf (1.6 MB) and a nice video showcasing the capabilities of Elodie: Wyca_EWG_03_02_21_presentation_compressed.mp4 - Google Drive.
- Secondly, @ralph-lange from Bosch provided a very detailed overview on the possibilities to give support to CAN transport in micro-ROS, an issue that is raising more and more interest within the community lately. Find the slides attached: 2020-02-03_Embedded_WG_CAN_transport_micro-ROS.pdf (692.3 KB).