ROS 2 Jazzy Jalisco Release Illustration 
Hi Everyone,
It is my pleasure to present you with the illustration for ROS 2 Jazzy Jalisco! This release illustration is the work of our new illustrator Ryan Hungerford. Ryan is an illustrator based in the Bay Area and he was recommended to us by Josh Ellingson, the illustrator for all our previous ROS releases. Josh has been incredibly busy with his amazing installation art, so we decided now was a good time to add another illustrator to our extended team. We’re really excited to have Ryan as part of the team and look forward to working with him on future ROS releases.
Jazzy Swag Sale
We’re also happy to announce that the ROS 2 Jazzy Jalisco swag sale is now live. We’re now using T-Spring for all of our ROS swag sales as the platform supports both a wide array of items and allows us to produce merch on demand and ship it almost anywhere on earth We’ve also created a permanent URL for ROS swag at so it is easy to find. For this release we are offering fifteen different items for sale including:
Mens, womens, and kids shirts (we’re big fans of the tri-blend shirts)
Baby Onsies
Hoodies and long sleeve shirts
Water bottles and coffee mugs
Banners and posters
GIANT Stickers
Shoulder bags
Throw Pillows
All profits from the Jazzy swag sale go directly to the Open Source Robotics Foundation and help support the ROS, Gazebo, and Open-RMF projects. If you order today you might just receive your swag by release day on May 23rd, 2024. If you would like to earn Jazzy swag by contributing to the project please consider contributing to the Jazzy Test and Tutorial party that is currently taking place. The top twenty test contributors will be sent a code to our T-Spring store.