ROS-Agriculture Europe community meeting 2020-02-19

ROS-Agriculture Europe Meeting Minutes 2020-02-19

Meeting Objective

To work towards shared goals and keep our category updated on ROS Discourse


Name Organization
Matt Droter ROS-A
Gijs van der Hoorn TUDelft
Ting-Chia Chiang TUDelft
Mario Garzon Oviedo TUDelft
Kevin Bregler Fraunhofer IPA
Nikos Mylonas AUA
Flemming CHRISTENSEN Sundance
Pedro Machado Sundance
El Houssein Chouaib HARIK NIBIO
Ilias Amri Sorbonne Université
Mateusz Dabrowski -


  1. Pedro Machado’s presentation on “Edge Computing for Precision Robotics” (slides (1.3 MB))
  2. Discussion on “Shared data sets with commonly agreed annotation standards”
    • Pedro said that the conversion can be easier if we use out-of-band format to encode annotations, i.e. provide the coordinates of the shapes in a structured way, e.g. .json or .hdf5. If someone wants to use a particular framework, we can provide some kind of transformation between an out-of-band framework to a particular annotation framework.
    • Gijs pointed out that such things might already exist so he suggested that first working group should be created.
    • Pedro, Kevin and Nikos volunteered to work on the first working group: sig_datasets.
    • The first task for Datasets WG would be a literature study:
      • What are the main datasets available?
      • What is the format of the annotations?
      • Which annotation tools to use?
      • How to annotate?
      • Relevant publications?
    • Slack channel sig_datasets was created by Pedro.
    • Chouiab volunteered to take part in a multi-navigation WG and will share his activities for the next meeting.
  3. Ideas for ROS-A (Europe) community building:
    • Possible European events, e.g. yearly ROS-A Con, workshops for IROS/ICRA?
      • Will be further discussed by Ting-Chia and Christoph
    • Should we have a consortium?
      • Gijs shared his experience with ROS-Industrial community. He touched upon the pros and cons of having a consortium.
        • Pros: consortia facilitate organizing events and manage resources. Also help with communication and dissemination.
        • Cons: There is overhead, e.g. management, (possibly) membership fee.
      • Chouiab believed at this stage, we don’t need it. This should come naturally after we have matured a bit more and are more organised with what we are doing together.
      • Kevin pointed out that Fraunhofer IPA has been the managing institution of ROS-Industrial Europe for quite a long time so they (maybe Christoph) can give a short overview on how the ROS-Industrial consortium has been set up at the next meeting. To give an idea of what it might look like for ROS-A Europe.
    • ROS discourse
      • Gijs gave a quick update on the status of the category on ROS Discourse.


Action Items Owner(s) Deadline
Do a background research on agriculture datasets and prepare a presentation for it @Pedro_Machado , @KevinBregler and Nikos Before next meeting
Prepare a presentation on multi-navigation @chouaib Before next meeting
Organize next ROS-A Europe meeting in March Ting-Chia Soon


The video of this meeting may be found here: